You needn't have done it now,
I will need it tomorrow.
Haven't had to nejde, když už tak didn't
have to, znamenalo by to ale něco jiného!
You didn't have to = neměl jsi povinnost to udělat
(pravděpodobně to tedy ani neudělal)
I didn't have to study for the test today because I'm not going to school
tomorrow. Therefore I DIDN'T DO THAT and I played Doom all morning
You needn't have done = zbytečně jsi to dělal (udělal
jsi to, ale nebylo potřeba)
I studied for the tomorrow's test all morning. Then I realized that
I needn't have done that bacause I'm not going to school tomorrow. Oooh, what a
waste of time! I could have played Doom instead.
(Tu čárku bych tam osobně dal, ale nejsem si jistý…)