Help for English

Reportáž o ...



jak by se prosím řeklo:

“Právě jsem viděl televizní reportáž o …”

“I've just seen a TV/news report / coverage of/on/about”??


Oxfordský slovník říká ke slovu REPORT (druhý význam) toto:

2 [transitive, intransitive] to present a written or spoken account of an event in a newspaper, on television, etc.

Report something

The stabbing was reported in the local press.

It is reported that…

It was reported that several people had been arrested.

Report that…

The TV news reported that several people had been arrested.

Report (on something)

She reports on royal stories for the BBC.

Takže bych řekl, že ta Vaše věta bude znít: “I have just seen a TV report on sth.”


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