Help for English

Phrasal Verbs Game


leave off – prestat, skoncit

Hello and welcome to another episode of Top Gear. We'll start by picking up from where we left off on the previous episode.TTT

(Tohle ve skutecnosti nikdo nikdy v Top Gearu nerekl).

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Karel vložený před 12 lety

leave off – prestat, skoncit

Hello and welcome to another episode of Top Gear. We'll start by picking up from where we left off on the previous episode.TTT

(Tohle ve skutecnosti nikdo nikdy v Top Gearu nerekl).

see sb off – odprevadiť, rozlúčiť sa s niekým

My girlfriend was going away. We went to the train station with her to see her off.

Nick off – (AusE, slang) – go away, piss off

Nick off or I'll smash you!

send off – to write to somebody and ask them to send you something by post/mail TTT

I've sent off for a brochure.

go off – to become inedible (about food) TTT

Ugh, the milk … I think I'm going to be sick. It's gone off. TTT

go for – to choose something

I'm gonna have the spaghetti. What about you, darling? Um, I think I'll go for the salmon. TTT

go through something – search for something

I've gone through all my stuff but I just can't find it. TTT

go on = continue

“Look, I just… erm… you know… I wanted to say that… erm…”
Go on, don't be shy, I won't bite you.” TTT

go away = leave the place you are

Please, go away from my room, now. I really need to concentrate.

Omlouvám se, teď jsem zjistil, že GO AWAY už tady máme. Sorry…

carry on = continue (also)

You worked very well this year. So carry on!

take on – to employ somebody

We are not taking on any new staff at the moment. TTT

take in = to deceive somebody (oklamat někoho)

He realised that she took him in, so he broke up with her. – Zjistil, že ho oklamala, takže se s ní rozešel.

sink in = to fully realize something

– ‘We are the seven. We are the seven guys from the prophecy. We are supposed to save the world.’ He let the others sink in the horrible truth. They are most likely to be dead within a few weeks.
- ‘This is totally crazy but I’m in on it.'

tuck so in = to make someone feel comfortable in bed by pulling the covers up around them TTT

I always liked it when my mother tucked me in. I felt so safe. TTT


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