Help for English

What's your favorite TV series?


Has somebody seen the serial Avatar – The Last Airbender? For information use :-)
It is a cartoon serial, an american version of anime. Although one could say it is for children, the story itself is very polished and ‚the English vocabulary‘ isn't so difficult. Therefore it is great, when you want to improve in listening :-)

I've been watching Glee lately and I have a qustion about one scene, actually it's just one question, but I'm a bit confused about it. In 8th episode Finn and Quinn became less popular, so thy wanted to change it and become popular again. They didn't know how to do, so they visited Emma in the hope of getting some advice on how to regain the poularity they'd lost. And as they were talking, Emma recommended them to wear sunglasses (of course, she didn't mean to do that, but I won't explain why, because it would take too long). And this she said to give reason for it: ‚I‘m always seeing celebrities wear them in magazines, even at night.' My question is – why did she use the present continuous…? She din't say it angrily and it seemed she didn't mean it angry, either. Is there any other explanation for this or am I just wrong and even though she didn't say it angrily, she was pissed about it…? Thanks

It's not actually about anger or anything… although anger IS the most common reason for using the present continuous. It's really about an action being surprising, uncommon, making people stop and raise an eyebrow.

Oh, finally it came back to me. I have seen that use of present continuous every once in a while and gotten pretty baffled.
At last, I got that.

By the way, you englishlearner. You seem to be pretty into English these days, don't you? You comments, tips, hints are swarming all around. Good for you :-). I sense your English dedication is bearing its fruit. Getting better and better. Keep at it.

black.orchidey – haven't seen it yet but i'm looking forward to it. i just love anime and anime from the US sounds really good.

Ans I forgot to mention (because I posted that report while I was watching Glee:-)) that the 8th episode is the best one I've seen up to now. Because surprisingly there doesn't appear Terri(Will's wife), i don't like her character at all. And Sue becomes a better person, even though at the end of the episode she is an unpleasant pain in the bum again. I found this episode interesting, enjoyable and funny until the very end.

to Battlefield: Hey, I've always been mad keen on english, because this language is just amazing.I seem to be ‚active‘, cuz I have a lot of leisure time which I can spend on learning english and although I have plenty of books I love this webstie so much because it helped me a lot and will always be my main source of information. Everything is explained perfectly so that anyone could get it and in our mother tongue at the same time! But, I assume you know that all very well…
And hereby I'd like to thank Marek for this awesome web. Good job.:-)
Anyway, thanks for the positive comment.

So do I have plenty of time. Today, my interest is drawn somewhere else-German. Not that my English is perfect, far from it. Then again, I can do what I vowed to do. Satisfying.
As for myself, this website change the way I view on languages as such. Everything can be put in a whole lot of different ways, it is hard to find the best one. Marek did it, though. Here it is such that everything can pick it up right away. Good for us. Anyway, back to the topic.
I got to watch Heroes. Though the ratings could be better, I got round to watching it. It guess just season 1. The other seasons seem to be pretty complicated is a bad way. Got tangled up so much. So far, the first one has been terrific. I keep watching it. If having nothing to do, give it a shot.

I got chance to download a series called Weeds in english with english subtitles. So, I'm interested to know what you think about it. Is it worth seeing, is it appropriate for learning english?..and any extra information you wanna add. Thanks
to Battlefield: I got just one qusetion. What does the phrase – ‚Got tangled up so much‘ mean..? I've looked it up in my dictionaty but none of the translations is suitable for your sentence…So, I hope you could help me. Thanks

So far I've seen only the first season of Weeds and completely loved it. It's appropriate for learning spoken English.

What dictionary have you used?

Tangle sth up = it's often used in figurative way when something has got twisted together.

I use Macmillan english dictionary, my favourite one. I've found that meaning, I just can't occur to the way it's meant in Battlefield's re­port. That translation doesn't make sense. Or there's another variety – I din't read it properly so I'll read it through once again and maybe it'll be clear to me. Anyway, thanks for effort.

„Got tangled up so much“ In Czech I would say „Hodně se zamotaly“

Thanks. Got it… :-)

no need to explain it to you again, mckay put it a good way.
When deciding whether or not to watch a series hit It can provide you with ratings ranging from all kinds of movies to all kinds of series.
From a rating you can decide if you would like to watch that or not.
Weeds does seem to be a great choice worth watching.
I got it downloaded, but still haven't gotten to watch it so far. Looking forward to your rundown.

The X-Files, Season 4, 8/10.

Good old X-Files.

Futurama, Season 3, 10/10


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