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What's your favorite book?


Thanks, I´ve found top 10. Has anyone an expierance?…istie-novels

I just finished DEADLOCK from Sara Paretsky in simplied english. It´s about woman – private investigator and it´s set in Chicago and Great Lakes. I liked it – it´s exciting. You can try it :-) The books from A.G. are notorious and you have no surprise at the end :?

one of my favourite books is Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of Boscombe Pool. Although it's a simplified book, I enjoyed reading it very much. There were almost no words I couldn't understand so I enjoyed it as much as I could and I think it's more attractive for most of you to read something easier without constant using of a dictionary to look up the words you don't know (even though it's not necessary, but sometimes it's important so that you could understand properly).It's more relaxing, especially when you're on vacation for instance, to read and relax at the same time and in addition to it learn. That's how I see it. And due to this fact I recommend this book for those of you who don't know what to take on vacation with them and don't want to bother themselves looking up in a dictionary… :-)

I think it is not about fully understanding everything. It is not possible even in Czech. It is about getting the gist, point.
From my own experience you are really progressing when you are learning something new. Getting better.
When you get everything then there is nothing left to know.
Then again, when you don't you do improve.
The first books I read English gave me definitely most.
Even now, I try to select figuratively as difficult books as I can to get more.
I guess Marek Vit noted that earlier. It's no good looking up every single word you don't get. You can, only when it is essential to understand the core.
So that is pretty much what I stand up for.

But I said it was epecially aprropriate for vacation where you're not keen on learning too much and simplified books are in my opinion the best alternative. Reading simplified english books is relaxing and good revision even though you know almost all words. I don't know how about you but if I were on a beach, for instance, I would prefer a simplified book rather than something difficult that I couldn't properly read without a dictionary. However, for learning I prefer more difficult books too. But it's just a matter of opinion.

Of couse, I understand your point.
Nonetheless, today I read only original books. But I understand it takes some time and doing to get at that level.
So keep reading

Lately, I've read a book called ‚Short modern stories‘. This book, which is designated for andvanced learners, contains a few short stories by authors from the whole world. Therefore, there's used more variations of english, not just british or american. There are both and many others. The stories are written in quite a different way. However, I can't say that it's bad, on the other hand it's good and suitable for expanding your vocabulary. At the end of each story there's a glossary containing words, idioms, phrases and stuff like that with explanation. I must admit that when I read it for the first time I had difficulty understanding. Accordingly, I wrote down all the words and phrases, which I didn't know, on a sheet of paper one after another and looked them up in a dictionary afterward. When I read it for the second time, it was much more better and even enjoyable (sometimes I underline the words I don't know). And I'm considering reading it one more time…Maybe, I'll take it on vacation with me. I recommend this book to everyone who wants to ‚taste‘ something different from siplified books, learn a lot and enjoy great stories at the same time! 8-)

Recently, I started reading Audacity of hope by B. Obama and it is kind of a letdown for me. Having read the previous book Dreams from my father, I was dying to read the next book.
Although the ratings and comments on dropped a few hints about high quality, for me, it didn't come up to that. There are too many facts, names, events which I actually don't care about. I was looking forward to an engaging story. Instead, I got some kind of autobiography portraying his actual life.
I should have read the comments properly to get the actual info what the book was about.

hi, i know it is kind of out of topic, but my very first book in English was Frankestein (not really a matter of likness but rather a question of accessibility). I just had a very slight idea what was going on, but was so keen that i finished the book within no time /though with only a little understanding/. The second book was better, reading became faster, understanding better. Anyway, what i am getting to is that reading is the easiest, though efficient way of learing without learning English – if living in Czech Rep :-D

well – recently I am reading – Respektovat a být respektován, Cesta životem a Mluviti pravdu. After more than six years of reading only in English for some fanatic reason, a welcome change.

For those who's read the „What's your favorite TV series“ topic recently, you probably know there was a discussion about whether we've seen a TV series more than once. My question is the same. Have you ever ended up reading a book more than once?

As for me, I've never done such thing although it may change in the near future.

I've read The Hunger Games this week and all I can say is that it's fascinating. It's been a long time since I grabbed a fabulous book that would grip me in such a way that I actually ended up reading it late in the night.

Actually, it's the same with me. I am pretty sure I haven't read as many books as you so the chances of reading a books one more time gets down, such a great made-up excuse :-).
Despite a low number read books, none of my read books has caught my attention the way I would have had to read that one more time.

Well, I read a few books more than once. Right now I am reading some psychological books that are so rich in knowlegde that I keep returning to some topics. Plus I have read some English books I have got at home repeatedly, usually not the whole book, but just some chapters…Seems better than seeing some crap tv movies, series just to kill the time…It is better to kill time with a good book. What is the Hunger Games about?

my favourite book is any book that i manage to read from cover to cover…there are really just a few of these :-)

What is the latest book you managed to read all through?


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