Help for English

What's your favorite TV series?


Futurama is great. However, I still think that nothing beats the Simpsons (as far as series of the similar nature are concerned). Anyway, Matt Groening did some fantastic job! :-)

I just started watching Futurama and seems to be damn good. I have always had considerable anxiety when it comes to anime movies or series.
That anxiety, however, seems to be wearing off.

FUTURAMA, Season 3, 10/10

Futurama – the last episode of season 3 was hilarious. Especially the beginning, Bender making brunch for the whole crew! :-D

The IT Crowd, Season 1, 10/10
The IT Crowd, Season 2, 9/10
The IT Crowd, Season 3, 8/10

The IT Crowd, Season 4, 6/10

All in one day? :-)

that's the matter I'm trying to solve. I can't decide what to watch next after I've finished watching Glee. I can't decide among these series – Californication, the Sipmsons and Futurama. Which one do you think is the best? Californication seems to be good accrding to the rating, even though the simpsons and futurama have better ratings.Never­theless, I regard it as a good option…What do you think? Thanks

This is what I'd do – I'd watch one episode of each every day. All three are worth watching.

Screw the ratings! Come on! Who cares about ratings????

Marek: No no, I watched first three seasons long time ago but I haven't given it a rating so far.
It would be crazy to make it in one day :-) (not impossible though)

That '70s Show, Season 7, 8/10

Only one more season and, as far as I know, I'm done with this incredible show :-( :-)

Sex and the City, Season 2, 9/10

That '70s Show, Season 8, 11/10 :-)

I just finished the first season of Glee which is ,in my view, the most kick-ass TV series I've ever seen. It really amazed me, especially the end. After having watched a few episodes I din't like it much, though. However, I kept on watching it and it turned out to be really great and in my opinion this is the TV series which is definitely worth seeing.
And I was wondering and my mind was occupied with something that I'd like to ask Mr. Vít about. I know it's a bit silly question and it doesn't belong her, anyway, here's the question – Do you Mr. Vít watch TV series with english subtitles to learn some new words, idioms, phrases and so or do you watch it without subtitles just for fun and ‚revising‘ with no purpose of learning new words and so on…? Thanks.

I watch TV shows for fun. No subtitles.

Joey, Season 1, 10/10
This series is just hilarious.:-D


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