Help for English

suss out


Susie reckons she's sussed out a great way to get into the club free.

Jak byste přeložili SUSS OUT v této větě? Podle možností ve slovík mi to nedává moc smysl.

suss out – verb (Brit. informal) work out, figure out, puzzle out, find out, solve, resolve, calculate, clear up

If you can't suss out the codes, you won't be seen as part of the team.


Aha, tak to jo.
Macmillan On-line Dictionary totiž říká toto:
„suss or ˌsuss ˈout“ = to understand a situation or the reason why someone does something

… a to mi do těty nějak nezapadalo. Díky

Dnes jsem na stejnou větu taky narazil :)


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