Help for English

What's your favorite TV series?


Yeah, you're right…it's not that important. Anyhow, I wouldn't have watched if it weren't for you. You're the one who recommended it to me even though you didn't see it either back then :)

yeah, i remember falling for the theme song so i thought when that's cool so has to be the show…and i was right…i always am :-D

Don't get cocky :-)

i'm not getting cocky but you're getting out of topic :-) so back to „what's your favorite TV series“… 8-)

dont like tv series :?

Why not?

time consuming

And how about you and TV series?

Well, it seems everybody is already asleep. Pitty, I have just discovered this topic, could be fun to talk to someone. Good night.

You know, it's not a real-time conversation so you could have written what you wanted and. When people awoke, got to their computers, you would have gotten your reply.

I can imagine that around midnight most people are sound asleep :?

i'm not..guess i have developed insomnia or something like that :-D . but if you want to know my approach to tv shows here you go. first i watched them primarily just to improve my listening. now i watch them mainly for fun. because sometimes they're a lot of fun. and they aren't time consuming if you don't watch more series in a row. you can watch as many episodes as you feel like at a particular moment. so i guess it depends on you whether you let it consume too much time or not :-)

Definitely, all is up to the person who's watching…So you watch tv series in English? Do you download them or have some other access?

I hardly watch movies anymore. They are too time-consuming. I can't usually spend two hours watching something. My day only has 24 hours! That's why I only watch TV shows.

I can watch just one episode if I feel like it.

PLUS, I always know what to expect. If I decide to watch another episode of LOST, I know exactly what to expect. If I go for an episode of Friends, again – I know what to expect. I'm RARELY disappointed.

With movies? One movie is great, another sucks. I never know. I watch one and I like it. The next day I have to look for another movie… and I have no idea if it's going to be worth it or not.

Well, I completely agree. I have got some 3 spare hours a day, so I damn think it over what to do with them. But i am kind of a patriot, so I tend to watch Czech movies {recently I have seen Máj – I was complety taken aback by its beautiful scenery, poetry and melodrama…And I was greatly dissapointed by Jánošík – just a cruel movie, probably truly reflecting the history, but not really leaving any other feeling inside me but disgust).


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