Help for English

věty na předminulý č.


Zdravím, nějak nechápu, proč je v těchto větách užitý předminulý čas a ne jen prostý. Jsem myslel, že předminulý čas se pojí s minulým a je ještě před ním.

1, What a busy day it had been.
2, It had taken months to get all his things together.
3, He had been up since six o'clock in the morning.

Děkuju za vysvětlení

Bylo by asi dobré uvést zdroj, odkud tyto věty máte, jinak bude poněkud obtížné vysvětlit důvod, proč tomu tak je.

Je to vytržené z prac. sešitu Headway the third edition. Můžu opsat ten text. Popravdě nechápu, proč tam past perfect vůbec je.

It was ten o'clock in the evening. Peter sat down on his sofa and thought about the day. What a busy day it had been. This was his first night in his own flat. He had lived his entire life in the family home, and now for the first time, he was on his own. He sat surrounded by boxes that they hadn't manage to unpack during the day. It had taken months to get all his things together. His mother had been very generous, buying him things like towels and mugs. He went into the kitchen and made a sandwich. He suddenly felt very tired and yawned. No wonder he was tired.** He had been up since six o'clock in the morning.** He decided to eat his sandwich and go to bed. But he didn't get there…

Doporučuji tento článek, ve kterém si myslím, že najdete vysvětlení.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od kacerhuhu vložený před 10 lety

Je to vytržené z prac. sešitu Headway the third edition. Můžu opsat ten text. Popravdě nechápu, proč tam past perfect vůbec je.

It was ten o'clock in the evening. Peter sat down on his sofa and thought about the day. What a busy day it had been. This was his first night in his own flat. He had lived his entire life in the family home, and now for the first time, he was on his own. He sat surrounded by boxes that they hadn't manage to unpack during the day. It had taken months to get all his things together. His mother had been very generous, buying him things like towels and mugs. He went into the kitchen and made a sandwich. He suddenly felt very tired and yawned. No wonder he was tired.** He had been up since six o'clock in the morning.** He decided to eat his sandwich and go to bed. But he didn't get there…

Popisuje se minulost. Na začátku je “It was ten o'clock in the evening”. V dalších větách pokud chcete říct, co se stalo před desátou hodinou či v průběhu dne, použijete předminulý čas.

Určitě si přečtěte článek, na který odkazuje Josef.

Děkuju, už jsem si to přečetl a je mi to trochu jasnější.


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