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Opravení možných chyb


Dobrý den, jsem tady na fóru nový. V pondělí píšeme test z angličtiny na více “problémů” a dostali jsme pár cvičení na opakování, tak bych byl rád, kdyby mi je někdo zkontroloval. Děkuji za Vaši případnou starost, ochotu a pomoc.


I/ Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense and write questions to these sentences:

1. My brother often goes (go) to the cinema.

  • Where does your brother often go?

2. I visited (visit) my grandfather last Sunday.

  • Who did you visit last Sunday?

3. We were playing (play) squash for two hours yesterday.

  • How long were we playing squash yesterday?

4. Peter is speaking (speak) to his boss at the moment.

  • Who is speaking to boss at the moment?

5. They always buy (buy) this chocolate.

  • What do they always buy?

6. He doesn’t like (not/like) swimming.

  • What doesn’t he like?

7. They usually go (go) on holiday to France.

  • Where do they usually go?

8. I read (read) an interesting book last month.

  • What did you read last month?

9. My mum is cooking (cook) my favourite soup now.

  • What is your mum cooking now?

10. My sister went (go) to the cinema with her boyfriend yesterday evening.

  • Who did go to the cinema yesterday evening?

11. She doesn’t like (not/like) watching TV on Fridays.

  • When she doesn’t like watching TV?

12. We write (write) emails to our friends every afternoon.

  • What do you write to your friends every afternoon?

II/ Choose the correct word: 1 I don´t have anything to eat! The fridge is empty! 2 He looked everywhere for that book but he couldn´t find it. 3 When we got to the concert, there was nowhere to sit because it was so full. 4 I know someone who can help us – my uncle Tom.

III/ Write questions with How much / How many: 1 They have two sons. – How many sons do they have? 2 He wrote ten letters yesterday. – How many letters did he write yesterday? 3 We need some sugar. – How much sugar do we need?

IV/ Complete the sentences with some or any: 1 Do you have any problems? 2 She bought just some fruit. 3 I can´t see any newspapers.

V/ Complete the sentences with a, an, the or -: 1 What does your sister do? – She´s a teacher in London. – Is she married? – Yes, she is. And she´s got three children, two girls and a boy. The boy is 6 years old and the girls are 12 and 10. 2 Where are your children? – They´re at school. 3 Where is my laptop? – It´s on a table in a kitchen. 4 Where were you last night? – We were in restaurant. – What restaurant? – I can´t remember name but it was an Italian restaurant. I didn´t know it. I have been there for the first time. 5 We arrived in Moscow on the fifth of October. 6 He´s tired today. He went to bed late last night.

VI/ Write the plural forms of these nouns: 1 story – stories 2 way – ways 3 glass – glasses 4 potato – potatoes 5 fish – fish 6 key – keys 7 watch – watches 8 city – cities 9 tooth – teeth 10 lady – ladies

VII/ Complete the conversations with will, going to or Present continuous: 1 A: Where are you going? – B: I am going to buy (buy) something to eat. 2 Could you lend me some money? I will give (give) it back soon. 3 A: Do you have any plans for your holiday? – B: Yes, we are going to go (go) to Spain. 4 A: Please, don´t tell anyone. It´s a secret. – B: Don´t worry. I won’t tell (tell) anybody. 5 A: Can we meet after school? – B: No, Peter will take (take) me out for lunch. 6 A: My bag is too heavy. – B: Give it to me. I will help (help) you. 7 A: Why are you turning on the television? – B: I am going to watch (watch) the news. 8 A: I´ve decided to paint my room. – B: Really? What colour are you going to paint (paint) it? 9 A: I don´t know how to use the coffeemaker. – B: It´s easy. I will show (show) you.

VIII/ Complete the sentences with the infinitive or –ing form of the verb: 1 I want to live (live) in a hot country. 2 She is thinking of having (have) a few days off. 3 He loves listening (listen) to live music. 4 I hope to go (go) to university. 5 We enjoy hiking (hike) in the mountains. 6 Would you like to go (go) out tonight? 7 Are you looking forward to watching (watch) the movie? 8 I decided to buy (buy) a new laptop. 9 Don´t forget to do (do) the shopping! 10 When did you start working (work)?

IX/ -ed / -ing adjectives: surpris- / bor- / exhaust- / frighten- / disappoint- / excit- / annoy- 1 Did you watch the horror last night? – Yes, it was so frigtening! I couldn´t sleep then. 2 The teacher was really annoyed because all the students were late. 3 The present is so beautiful. Thanks a lot. I´m so surprised ! 4 I´m going to New York for 2 weeks. – How exciting! Lucky you! 5 The match was very long. We were really exhausted after it. 6 Were your parents disappointed when you told them that your team lost the match? 7 The drama was so boring yesterday that I fell asleep.

X/ Translate: 1 Jsem vyšší než můj bratr. – I am taller than my brother. 2 To je nejlepší film. – That’s the best movie/film. 3 Jsme smutnější než včera. – We are sadder than yesterday. 4 Ta kniha je zajímavější. – This book is more interesting. 5 Ta židle je nejpohodlnější. – This chair is the most comfortable. 6 To je nejnovější počítač. – This is the newest computer. 7 Jsi tak chytrý jako John. – You are as smart as John. 8 Kdo je nejmladší ve vaší rodině? Who is the youngest in your family? 9 Jaké je tam počasí? – What’s the weather like there? 10 Jak se má tvůj přítel? – How is your friend? 11 Líbí se ti New York? – Do you like New York?

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Ondra Vlček vložený před 10 lety

Dobrý den, jsem tady na fóru nový. V pondělí píšeme test z angličtiny na více “problémů” a dostali jsme pár cvičení na opakování, tak bych byl rád, kdyby mi je někdo zkontroloval. Děkuji za Vaši případnou starost, ochotu a pomoc.


I/ Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense and write questions to these sentences:

1. My brother often goes (go) to the cinema.

  • Where does your brother often go?

2. I visited (visit) my grandfather last Sunday.

  • Who did you visit last Sunday?

3. We were playing (play) squash for two hours yesterday.

  • How long were we playing squash yesterday?

4. Peter is speaking (speak) to his boss at the moment.

  • Who is speaking to boss at the moment?

5. They always buy (buy) this chocolate.

  • What do they always buy?

6. He doesn’t like (not/like) swimming.

  • What doesn’t he like?

7. They usually go (go) on holiday to France.

  • Where do they usually go?

8. I read (read) an interesting book last month.

  • What did you read last month?

9. My mum is cooking (cook) my favourite soup now.

  • What is your mum cooking now?

10. My sister went (go) to the cinema with her boyfriend yesterday evening.

  • Who did go to the cinema yesterday evening?

11. She doesn’t like (not/like) watching TV on Fridays.

  • When she doesn’t like watching TV?

12. We write (write) emails to our friends every afternoon.

  • What do you write to your friends every afternoon?

II/ Choose the correct word: 1 I don´t have anything to eat! The fridge is empty! 2 He looked everywhere for that book but he couldn´t find it. 3 When we got to the concert, there was nowhere to sit because it was so full. 4 I know someone who can help us – my uncle Tom.

III/ Write questions with How much / How many: 1 They have two sons. – How many sons do they have? 2 He wrote ten letters yesterday. – How many letters did he write yesterday? 3 We need some sugar. – How much sugar do we need?

IV/ Complete the sentences with some or any: 1 Do you have any problems? 2 She bought just some fruit. 3 I can´t see any newspapers.

V/ Complete the sentences with a, an, the or -: 1 What does your sister do? – She´s a teacher in London. – Is she married? – Yes, she is. And she´s got three children, two girls and a boy. The boy is 6 years old and the girls are 12 and 10. 2 Where are your children? – They´re at school. 3 Where is my laptop? – It´s on a table in a kitchen. 4 Where were you last night? – We were in restaurant. – What restaurant? – I can´t remember name but it was an Italian restaurant. I didn´t know it. I have been there for the first time. 5 We arrived in Moscow on the fifth of October. 6 He´s tired today. He went to bed late last night.

VI/ Write the plural forms of these nouns: 1 story – stories 2 way – ways 3 glass – glasses 4 potato – potatoes 5 fish – fish 6 key – keys 7 watch – watches 8 city – cities 9 tooth – teeth 10 lady – ladies

VII/ Complete the conversations with will, going to or Present continuous: 1 A: Where are you going? – B: I am going to buy (buy) something to eat. 2 Could you lend me some money? I will give (give) it back soon. 3 A: Do you have any plans for your holiday? – B: Yes, we are going to go (go) to Spain. 4 A: Please, don´t tell anyone. It´s a secret. – B: Don´t worry. I won’t tell (tell) anybody. 5 A: Can we meet after school? – B: No, Peter will take (take) me out for lunch. 6 A: My bag is too heavy. – B: Give it to me. I will help (help) you. 7 A: Why are you turning on the television? – B: I am going to watch (watch) the news. 8 A: I´ve decided to paint my room. – B: Really? What colour are you going to paint (paint) it? 9 A: I don´t know how to use the coffeemaker. – B: It´s easy. I will show (show) you.

VIII/ Complete the sentences with the infinitive or –ing form of the verb: 1 I want to live (live) in a hot country. 2 She is thinking of having (have) a few days off. 3 He loves listening (listen) to live music. 4 I hope to go (go) to university. 5 We enjoy hiking (hike) in the mountains. 6 Would you like to go (go) out tonight? 7 Are you looking forward to watching (watch) the movie? 8 I decided to buy (buy) a new laptop. 9 Don´t forget to do (do) the shopping! 10 When did you start working (work)?

IX/ -ed / -ing adjectives: surpris- / bor- / exhaust- / frighten- / disappoint- / excit- / annoy- 1 Did you watch the horror last night? – Yes, it was so frigtening! I couldn´t sleep then. 2 The teacher was really annoyed because all the students were late. 3 The present is so beautiful. Thanks a lot. I´m so surprised ! 4 I´m going to New York for 2 weeks. – How exciting! Lucky you! 5 The match was very long. We were really exhausted after it. 6 Were your parents disappointed when you told them that your team lost the match? 7 The drama was so boring yesterday that I fell asleep.

X/ Translate: 1 Jsem vyšší než můj bratr. – I am taller than my brother. 2 To je nejlepší film. – That’s the best movie/film. 3 Jsme smutnější než včera. – We are sadder than yesterday. 4 Ta kniha je zajímavější. – This book is more interesting. 5 Ta židle je nejpohodlnější. – This chair is the most comfortable. 6 To je nejnovější počítač. – This is the newest computer. 7 Jsi tak chytrý jako John. – You are as smart as John. 8 Kdo je nejmladší ve vaší rodině? Who is the youngest in your family? 9 Jaké je tam počasí? – What’s the weather like there? 10 Jak se má tvůj přítel? – How is your friend? 11 Líbí se ti New York? – Do you like New York?

I/ 3. Dal bych přednost: We played ..... How long did we / you play … ? 10. Who went to the cinema … ? (podmětná otázka) 11. When doesn't she like …?

V/ 3. It's on THE table in THE kitchen. 4. We were in THE restaurant. – What restaurant? – I can´t remember THE name but it was an Italian restaurant. I didn´t know it. I have been there for the first time. Dal bych “I WAS there …” (i když se to netýká členů)

VII/ 5B. No, Peter IS GOING TO TAKE me out for lunch. 6B. I will help (help) you. – možná lépe: I'll help you. 9B. I will show (show) you. – I'll show you.

X/ 2 To je nejlepší film. – IT’s the best movie/film. 4 Ta kniha je zajímavější. – THE book is more interesting. 5 Ta židle je nejpohodlnější. – THE chair is (the) most comfortable.

Děkuju moc za opravení! Členy mi dělají největší problém a pořád nevím, jak se je dokonale naučit. :-( Opravdu moc děkuji za Vaši pomoc. :-)


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