Help for English

Motivační dopis


Dobrý den, chtěla jsem se zeptat, zda by se zde našel někdo, kdo by měl trochu času a byl by ochotný se podívat na můj motivační dopis určený pro Erasmus. Děkuji za odpověď.

můžu se na to podívat. taky jsem psal jeden rok zpět ;)

Děkuju za odpověď a ochotu :) Potřebovala bych, aby se na to někdo podíval a řekl mi, jestli jsou tam nějaké chyby a co by bylo potřeba změnit.

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name si XY and I am currently studying doctoral degree in Theory and History of Czech Literature at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Ostrava. I am writing to apply for the Erasmus programme for the 2015/2016 academic year. I would like to spend one semester at the University of Wrocław. There are several reasons why I have decided to apply for the Erasmus programme. First, I am sure it would be a very efficient way to gain new experience and skill that would be beneficial for my future studies and career. Also, I am convinced studying at the University of Wrocław would grant me the opportunity to further develop my knowledge of literature. My doctoral dissertation is focused on the poetry of three Czech poets Vladimír Holan, František Hrubín and Vilém Závada in the sixties of the 20th century. The theoretical part of this thesis will be about genres of poetry. Polish literary theory have dealt with literary kinds and genres for a long time. Therefore, I am sure studying at this university would not only provide me important knowledge and information to successfully finish my doctoral dissertation, but also would be useful for my academic career. Secondly, spending some time abroad is a perfect opportunity to get to know different lifestyle and culture, meet new people and learn another new language. I am very eager to learn Polish because I live in town where is very large polish minority and I am very often in touch with this language. Also, I am quite interested in Polish literature. I believe living abroad is the best way to learn foreign language. I am convinced learning Polish would be useful for my professional life. I would be very grateful if you considered my application and give me a chance to participace in the Erasmus programme at the University of Wrocław. Thank you very much in advance for considering my request.

Yours faitfully,

čau, doufám, že je to ještě aktuální, nečekaně jsem byl vez pc poslední tři dny..

napadá mě k tomu pár poznámek:

  • máš tam 6× very (z toho 3× v jedné větě) a mimo to poslední thank you very much bych je všechny odstranil. když píšeš I am very eager tak to very tam vypadá nadbytečně a celkově neplní žádnou funkci.
  • experience and skill, kinds and genres, knowledge and information – není důvod dávat sem dvě slova která ve výsledku říkají to samé

nejsem si jistý zda už jsi to neposlal tak jsem to moc pečlivě neprocházel, dej vědět jestlis to už poslal ;)


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