Help for English

Prosím, mohl by mi někdo zkontrolovat, zda to mám dobře napsané.? Popřídě, napsat kde mám chybu.? Děkuju moc


Dear Aunt Jessica, I hope you are well. Thanks so much for the present you sent me for my birthday. I love it, it is beautiful handbag! I really enjoyed my birthday. I was in Paris at the weekend with my best mate Ella. We stayed near city centre in the hotel. On Saturday morning we looked Eiffel Tower. It is briliant and fantastic! And the view is fascinating. In the afternoon we shoped. I bought beautiful T-shirt and high-heeled shoes. They are perfekt! On Sunday we were in Museum Louvre. It was interesting and instructive! See you soon, I hope. And thanks again for the handbag. Lot sof love, Holly PS: Mum and Dad send thein love too.

On Saturday morning we looked Eiffel Tower – lepší by možná bylo visited místo looked

They are perfect!

In the afternoon we shoped – tady bych asi dal: In the afternoon we went shopping, or we did some shopping

Lot of love, Holly PS: Mum and Dad send their love too. – tady jde zřejmě o překlepy na klávesnici


It is such a beautiful handbag. nebo The handbag is really beautiful.

We went to see the Eiffel Tower. by také šlo.

We stayed in a hotel near the city center.

We were in Louvre/the Louvre Museum.

I bought a beautiful T-shirt and high heels.

Lots of love (jen se nepodařilo udělat mezeru na správném místě :-) )


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