Help for English

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Shop around (for something) – to compare the price and quality of similar items before buying one.

  • to shop at different stores to find what you want at the best price.

From way back – from far in the past; from a much earlier time.

Take a dim view (of something) – to disapprove of something.

Most bosses take a dim view of long lunches. (The Free Dictionary)

Do one's bit – make a useful contribution to an effort or cause:

I was persuaded to do my bit for the environment. (Oxford Dictionaries)

Follow suit – To do as another has done; follow an example. Do the same.

pull someone's leg – subject to a playful hoax or joke. V češtině říkáme např: vodit někoho za nos.

(up) to the hilt – Something that is done (up) to the hilt is done completely and without any limits.

own up (to something/to doing something) = to admit that you are responsible for something bad or wrong.

Why don't you just own up and hope she forgives you?

synonym: confess

have nothing on sb or
to not be as good as someone or something:

He's a good player, but he's got nothing on his brother. TTT

can't do sth for tofee – být na něco beznadějný případ

I cannot cook for tofee. TTT


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