Příspěvek od
před 9 lety
Zde je:
I have known her only for a few weeks, but from the first, I just felt
that she was for me- and she was happy when she was with me, I swear.But
he has never let us be alone together.Today for the first time I had my
chance.She kept repeating that this was a place of danger and that she would
never be happy until I had left it. I told her since I had seen
her I was in no hurry to leave it. I would go only if she came
with me. Then I offered to marry her. Before she could answer, her brother
arrived with a face like a madman´s, almost white with anger. What was I doing
with the lady?How dared I?
Stačí to takto? Mohu udělat i sken..
Teď jak to znova čtu si říkám, že ze začátku by také mělo být:
..but from the fist, I just had been feeling she was
for me…
Děkuji, stačí to takhle
Podle mě to je takto: I told her that since I had seen her I was in
no hurry to leave it. = Když jsem ji viděl (jak není šťastná, jak
se jí to nelíbí), tak jsem jí řekl, že vůbec nespěchám s odchodem.
Zde se since podle mě vztahuje na to “I told
her”, protože zde není spojka that. Něco jako, kdybyste
to dal do závorky: I told her (since I had seen her) I was in no
hurry to leave it.
I told her that since I had seen her
I was in no hurry to leave it. = Řekl jsem jí, že jak (od doby, co)
jsem jí viděl, vůbec jsem nespěchal s odchodem.
…but from the first, I just felt that she was for
me – já bych zde předminulý nedával – Znám ji jenom pár
měsíců, ale už poprvé (co jsem ji potkal) jsem cítil, že je pro mě
vhodná (neodehrává se zde žádná minulost před nějakým bodem
v minulosti).