Help for English

formal letter


Ahojky, mám prosbu. Máme do školy úkol napsal formální dopis a nevím, zda ho mám správně :( Nemohl byste mi to někdo zkontrolovat a opravit nebo poradit, co přidat či vynechat…Nechci dostat špatnou známku. Má to být doporučení pro kamaráda, který se uchází o job Aj v zahraničí, kde bude mít na starosti děti od 10–15 let + organizování zábavy.Má to mít 220–250 slov. Nevím, zda se počítají i předložky a členy??? Zatím moc díky,pa Simča

*Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing you on behalf of Sandra Novák.

I have known her since my childhood. She is a communicative, reliable character and she has a very positive relationship with children of all ages. She lived in London for five years. She worked there as an au pair. Her duties were mainly taking care of children after their school but Sadra was attending one London school during her free time as well. She has English certificate from this school. Her English is excellent. When the children were home, Sandra devoted one´s time to them. She took them to their amateur clubs or was preparing different activities for them, like dancing,swimming or playing the piano lessons. Sometimes she helped them with their homeworks. She is a really flexible woman. Sandra is very talented. She is able to sing, dance and she plays the piano very well. Children loves her because of Sandra´s positive view, organisational and entertaining skills In additional to performing, Sandra is very good at swimming and skiing as well, at which she has trainer´s cer­tificates. She could instruct children if it is necessary. In my opinion, Sandra is the best choice for your school and children. I have no hesitation in recommending her to your school.
Yours faithfully
Simona Koukal *

Sadra was attending a London school..

Sandra devoted her time to them.

Children loves her ..

In additional to..

Díky moc za opravu. A nevíš náhodou, jestli se počítají do slov i předložky a členy?Díky

Hi Simisek. You could also look at changing the following: Homework (not homeworks as is a common Czech mistake) Children love her because of her positive attitude and organisational skills in addition to the way she entertains and performs. She could instruct children if is required.

Hope that helps, Richard.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Simisek13 vložený před 9 lety

Díky moc za opravu. A nevíš náhodou, jestli se počítají do slov i předložky a členy?Díky

Předložky i členy se standardně počítají jako jedno slovo.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Richard Hill vložený před 9 lety

Hi Simisek. You could also look at changing the following: Homework (not homeworks as is a common Czech mistake) Children love her because of her positive attitude and organisational skills in addition to the way she entertains and performs. She could instruct children if is required.

Hope that helps, Richard.

Hi Richard, Thank you for your advice.I hope my homework will be alright ? Have a nice day.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Matěj K. vložený před 9 lety

Předložky i členy se standardně počítají jako jedno slovo.

Díky za odpověď ?

You're welcome Simi. Let me know what the response was.


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