Řeším rozdíl mezi:
I don´t know him yet/ I haven´t known him yet.
Mohl by mi někdo prosím pomoci s významem: I haven´t know him yet , který se mi na tomto fóru snaží vysvětlit? Jaký by byl překlad, prosím?
Zde je text z onoho fóra:
The grammatical form of this sentence gives the sense of a one-off completed event. The word that makes this so is ‘yet’. ‘Yet’ means ‘so far’. So ‘I haven't known him yet’ means ‘I haven't known him so far’ or ‘up until this point in time’.
Thus we might say, “I haven't kissed her yet” or “I haven't met her yet.”
Both of those refer to an event that has a start and a finish. However, with knowing, it tends not to have a finish – once you know something, you know it forever. (Alzheimer's or death excepted)
For this reason, the grammatical form of “I haven't known him yet” encourages us to think of a discrete event that has not yet taken place. This promotes the Biblical interpretation of the verb ‘to know’. Therefore I would tend to read it as an old-fashioned way of saying “I haven't had sex with him yet.”
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