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Ahoj, dělám referát do školy a potřebovala bych se ujistit jestli je to správně. mohla bych požádat o pomoc? Předem moc děkuji.

My name is Tereza. I go to school in Zlín. The town is a great place to live, but there are some problems. The most important one is a traffic. Secondly there is a lot of litter on the streets. If I were a mayor I would encourage people to cycle or walk to work to reduce noisy traffic. To clean a litter in the streets. Smokers throwing cigarette butts on the ground and don’t realize how it’s destroying the environment. I would pay for more street cleaners and I would provide more rubbish bins in this town. In my point of view, this would improve life in Zlín. But if I could do only one thing. I would reduce the amount of litter in the streets. I think one person can’t change it. Many people aren’t interested in the environment around us and they aren’t look to the future. Only the government can change it.

  • traffic a litter (ve vašem příkladu) je nepočitatelné
  • To clean a litter in the streets. – ta věta tam chudinka stojí samostatně… k čemu se váže?
  • Smokers throw … and they don't realize how it destroys the environment
  • I would employ more street cleaners
  • But if I could do only one thing., I would reduce… (čárka, ne tečka)
  • they aren’t look to the future. – nepřijde vám to divné? Co by to mělo znamenat?


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