Help for English

pisomna maturita z AJ dnes :)


U nas su dnes pisomne maturity z AJ. :) Bude zaujimave sledovat temy. :-P

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tak zase su tu dnes pisomne maturity :) ak niekoho zaujimaju temy :) :) :

14.3.2018 – Zadanie písomnej formy internej časti maturitnej skúšky 2017/2018, anglický jazyk, úroveň C1

Predmet: anglický jazyk Úroveň: C1 Téma: Shopping and Services

As a contribution to a magazine, write an essay (260 – 320 words) entitled ‘The Impact of Advertising on Shopping’, including the following points:

ways and forms of advertising,
objectivity and ethics in advertising,
positive and negative effects of advertising on consumers.

Predmet: anglický jazyk Úroveň: B2 Téma: Education

On the occasion of Teachers’ Day, the Ministry of Education would like to reward the teacher most popular with students. You have decided to nominate the teacher you like the most. Write an article entitled ‘My favourite teacher’ (200 – 220 words), focusing on:

the teacher’s peda­gogical and personal qualities,
the teacher’s knowledge and skills,
the teacher’s attitude towards students.

Úroveň: B1 Téma: Education

Your friend does not want to learn a foreign language. Write a letter (160 – 180 words) to him/her, in which you try to encourage him/her to work harder at his/her language studies.


the advantages of language learning for his/her future life,
ways of learning a foreign language,
ways of getting good results.


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