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Pomoc ohledně eseje


Zdravím, potřeboval bych pomoc s opravou eseje na téma Oxford, Cambridge. Jelikož často dělám v esejích chybu a chtěl bych se v nich zlepšit. Díky moc :)

I want to tell you something about the most famous universities in the UK. The English cities of Oxford and Cambridge are very popular among foreign tourist, because both of them are very beautiful cities mostly beacause of wonderful historical architecture.

The university of Oxford is the third oldest university in the world after Bologna and Paris. Many of famous scientists studied the second oldest university in the UK, which is the Univestity of Cambridge. For example: Charles Darwin, who formulated the theory of evolution. Or James D. Watson who discovered the structure of DNA. And also very well known scientist Stephen Hawking, who has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Oxford university has also some rarity, 26 British prime ministers including David Cameron studied there. Oxford can be also proud of many famous writers including C.S Lewis, a writer of the Chronicles of Narnia or J.R.R. Tolkien, who also worked there as an university professor.

Many thousand of students apply for a place each year, but both universities only také the best students.

1. V první větě by se na úvod hezky vyjímalo Let me tell you…
2. …among foreign tourists
3. many famous scientists (bez “of”)
4. the university of Cambridge, such as Charles Darwin…
5. a very well-known scientist…
6. Another special thing about the Oxford university is that 26 British prime ministers, including David Cameron, studied there
7. …an author of the Chronicles of Narnia
8. as a university professor
9. Many students apply there each year…

Díky moc za opravu :)

ja by som len malu poznamocku, co mi tam vadi, ze ked uz uvadzas co napisal C.S. Lewis, tak preco nie aj co napisal Tolkien. to len na okraj. :)

a myslim, ze je tam velke t v nazve diela – The Chronicles of Narnia :)

a este pozor na preklepy, mostly beacause

The University of Oxford…ty_of_Oxford

Oxford University

a s tym Darwinom, pozri, ci by nebolo lepsie created alebo developed

26 British Prime Ministers

Dobře, opravil jsem, díky moc za vaše rady a aktivitu :)

…are very popular among foreign tourists

a este taka moja otazka, kedze popular sa pouziva s predlozkou with, tak je spravne aj …are very popular among foreign tourists?…92-predlozka

tak asi aj to je mozne, v slovniku vidim vetu How popular is ​Madonna among/with ​teenagers?

Jj oboje se používá.


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