Ahojky, píšu esej o hudbě a řízené psaní. Můžete mi někdo prosím zkontrolovat tyhle věty nebo slovní spojení? Nejsem si jimi moc jistá. Děkuji. A)essay
• Můžu začít esej otázkou? Is music so important for present young people?
• Je správně tato věta? I think, it is, just as it was for people living in the past.
• …využívali hudbu v… They exploited music in some rituals; religious…
• používali různé hudební nástroje, občas doprovázené… … used different instruments, sometimes accompanied by …
• přetrvalo do dneška ..... endured to nowadays
• cvičit. Můžu říct? do physical excercises , training
• Jsou správně tyto věty? This music is really good for a mood and emotional improvement as well as for physical activities; like dancing or training.
When people want to meditate, , feel sad or need relaxing ; they usually listen to the slower music.
…they can change the style of dressing, appearance, behaving or sometimes friends according to their favourite singer or group.
It is my opinion that by listening the music, we like, influence our psychical side, which is related to our physical side and when we feel good, we look good and we are healthy.
• stejně jako music alike older people.
• více ovlivnitelní much more suggestible and they are looking for their personality, which means
B) directed writing
• nejlepší kamarádi mých rodičů
my parent´s best friends
• Jsou správně věty? They wanted to celebrate their wedding anniversary and for me it meant free evening with my accounting test preparing, watching Tv, and what is more the money for the yellow dress, I have saved for.
He started crying and calling his mother. To calm him, I told his favourite bedtime story and fortunately he fell asleep again.
I quickly changed Tamara´s grubby pyjamas and put her to bed.
• přestat se učit I stopped learning
• předtím než jsem mohla říct slovo before I could say a word
• a co víc moreover
• nadechla jsem se a vzala Tamaru… Breathing in, I took Tamara.....
• když jsme opouštěli koupelnu… during the bathroom leaving…
• Zastavil se mi dech My breath stopped.
• neuvěřitelně špinaví incredibly dirty
• Thomasovi se měli za 2 hoďky vrátit
and Thomases had to be back in two hours.
• čekal na mě jiný úkol
Another task was waiting for me