Help for English

Abstrakt bakalarky


Ahoj, najde se nekdo, kdo by mi poskytl rady ohledne spravnosti meho abstraktu k bakalarce? :-):-8 Diky! “The aim of my bachelor thesis is to analyze international trade with tea and to determine the economic importance of tea exports for selected countries as well as to define problems in tea sector and challenges that tea industry is facing. The first chapter deals with the characteristics of tea producing countries and the importance of tea exports for their economies followed by an analysis of importing countries. The second chapter describes methods which are used when trading tea and gives a brief overview of the largest companies in tea sector. The third chapter analyses the role of these companies and international organizations in achieving sustainability of tea industry and dealing with problems tea sector is facing. The last chapter is about political barriers to trade and a role of global climate change in the future of tea production. In the end, the future of tea industry is discussed.”


in tea sector – chyba tam clen


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