Help for English

Oprava eseje


Dobrý den, mohl bych vás poprosit o opravu mé eseje. Jedná se o vypravování (narrative) na libovolný záži

tek, zde je tato esej: My experience from vication

It happened last year in the summer in London, where we were with our school. It was the last day of our trip and we had the whole afternoon free time to spend some time shopping or visiting sights.
We were visiting some sights with my friend and then we were shopping in the Oxford street, when we realised we are too far from meeting place by the London Eye, where our bus should pick up us and we have to drive back to Czech republic. We thought that we will be there in time, but there wasn´t enough time to get there and we also didn´t have the phone number of our teacher to let her know, that we will be late.
We started to run but after few metres we were exhausted. We were also quite lost and we had to ask foreign people where we have to go to het to the London Eye. Many of them were also tourist as we were, but when we stopped some woman who lived in London, she said that it is too far to walk. So we really started to get stressed. We took the first taxi, that was passing by and we spent our remaining money for taxi.
But in the end we managed it and we were on the meeting place on time. We felt satisfaction, that we managed all this complications.

Děkuji moc za pomoc :)

these complications we were at the meeting place to the Czech Republic
that we would be late /posuv casov will na would/

este preklepy tam su ja len tolko, snad este niekto pozrie

..where our bus was supposed to pick us up and we had to drive back to Czech republic

We thought that we would be there in time – zde je nutný časový posun (budoucnost v minulosti)

after a few metres…

we had to ask foreign people where we had to go to (zde bych to taky posunul)

..we stopped some a woman ..

she said that it was too far to walk – nepřímá řeč, opět posun času

on the meeting place – zde bych dal přednost předložce at

few – málo (poč.)
a few – několik

,that – před spojkou that (že) se v angličtině čárka nedává, je to zvyk z češtiny.

Děkuji moc za opravu i za vysvětlení :)

este asi aj tuto vetu treba celu poposuvat We thought that we will be there in time, but there wasn´t enough time to get there and we also didn´t have the phone number of our teacher to let her know, that we will be late.


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