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Oprava pár vět


Dobrý den, mohla bych poprosit o opravení těchto vět? Moc děkuji

I will speak about weather in our country during the whole year. Springs, especially in their beginnings, can be very chilly.
The winter sometimes lasts until March. And in April is weather changeable. Snow can fall or days can be bright.
In summer take turns night with storms with pour and scorching days. Sky is usually clear.
In autumn can be showery and drizzle very often. It’s normally overcast and breeze.
In winter are usually sub-zero temperatures and it’s cool. Winters are often mild.

Podívejte se na článek Anglický slovosled – oznamovací věty – v několika větách dáváte chybně sloveso před podmět.

1. I will speak about the weather…
2. the winter sometimes lasts even until March (přijde mi to s tím EVEN lepší)
3. And in April, the weather is changeable (viz Franta)
4. In summer, stormy nights take turns with pouring and scorching days
5. In autumn, the weather can be showery and it drizzles very often
6. It's normally overcast and breezy
7. In winter, temperatures are usually sub-zero (nebo “below zero”)

Moc děkuji


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