Help for English

Motivation Erasmus letter


Moc prosím, nekouknul byste mi někdo na motivační dopis?Děkuji!!!

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to apply for Erasmus+ program to get a chance to study abroad. I am really convinced it would be very interesting experience and also very useful for my future study and life.

I am a student of Management of commerce at the University of South Bohemia. My field of study is focused on Tourism and Business, however I find tourism more attractive. That is the main reason why I have chosen the study program at ISAL- Higher Institute of Administration and Languages. I am sure that studying at this representative university will be definitely great experience.

There are several reasons why I have decided to apply for this program. At first I am very interested in travelling and I love learning about different cultures. I was interested in studying abroad from my childhood. I have already spent few months abroad and I believe this is very important for personal growth. Also I would like to practice and to raise my English skills. I believe that studying abroad in a foreign language is very good training for future career.

I am very ambitious person and I follow my dreams. I am active student, this semester I am a mentor for Erasmus students from Greece and I find it very interesting.

I would like to live few years after my degree abroad and this foreign prestige university education would definitely increase my opportunities to get a good job. After that I would like to get back to Czech Republic and apply my achieved experiences.

Thank you for considering my application. I hope I will have the opportunity to prove my abilities in this program.

Kind Regards

Pozor na nějaké velmi často dělané chyby, které teď vidím na pohled:

I am an active student
few years = málo let
a few years = několik let
a very ambitious person
the Czech Republic
.However, I find … = ukončit větu a za however čárku
have been interested in .. since my childhood
I will have an opportunity = dal bych spíše an
raise widen/broaden my English skills
is a very good training for a future career.
I woud like to live a few years abroad after finishing bachelor's / master's degree – pozor na slovosled a asi bych napsal i název titulu, jinak a degree

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Cheerry vložený před 8 lety

Pozor na nějaké velmi často dělané chyby, které teď vidím na pohled:

I am an active student
few years = málo let
a few years = několik let
a very ambitious person
the Czech Republic
.However, I find … = ukončit větu a za however čárku
have been interested in .. since my childhood
I will have an opportunity = dal bych spíše an
raise widen/broaden my English skills
is a very good training for a future career.
I woud like to live a few years abroad after finishing bachelor's / master's degree – pozor na slovosled a asi bych napsal i název titulu, jinak a degree

Díky moc! :)

I would like to live few years after my degree abroad

V této větě bych upravil slovosled takto:

I would like to live abroad for a few years after my degree…

Also I would like to practice and to raise my English skills. Zde se již částice to neopakuje.


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