Help for English

What is your favorite English word?


Inspired by this article: Words we're thankful for (check out the last one given in the article), my question is simple: What is your favorite English word?

I have to admit, I got a pretty long list of them…

ointment (I first came across it in the Hunger Games)

I love thoughtful – though there are some ways to translate it into Czech, I don't think we have an exact word for such a wonderful and attractive quality.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Geo vložený před 9 lety

I love thoughtful – though there are some ways to translate it into Czech, I don't think we have an exact word for such a wonderful and attractive quality.

Yes! That one is lovely indeed.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Lucka Skrčená vložený před 9 lety

Inspired by this article: Words we're thankful for (check out the last one given in the article), my question is simple: What is your favorite English word?

I have to admit, I got a pretty long list of them…

ointment (I first came across it in the Hunger Games)

I read this book too and I have to say I love it. And thanks to this book I have learnt a lot about word current :-) Because before this book I knew the word as adjective. But sentences I read here didn't make any sense to me. Then I find out, that this word can be a noun as well :-)

I have many English words I'm fond of, but recently, I encountered the word anticipate and I like it :) or investigate is a lovely word as well :). But that's not all I've come across today, I've come across other intriguing words – for instance intimidate (it was pretty hard to memorize it :D), and arbitrary. I recall some more, such as exterminate, eradicate, dreary, but the list could go on and on! :)

There are many English words that I could call favorites. For example, I like the pronunciation of frighten, enlighten and other words similar to them.

Not really a word I use, but I think grasshopper is quite a funny word.

mind-boggling :-)

Jedno z mých oblíbených je trade-off. Opět pro něj v češtině není přesný ekvivalent, což je trošku škoda, např. v ekonomických vědách je to totiž velice hojně používaný terminus technicus. :-)


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