Ahojte, zaujíma ma váš názor na jednu diskusiu z materiálov amerického učiteľa angličtiny…dávam viac viet kvôli kontextu, ale zaujíma ma posledná veta.
- A> Where are you from?
- B> I`m from Korea. My parents wanted me to go to an America university, so I came here.
- A> I have never been to Korea. I`ve been to Japan before, but never Korea.
- B> Why were you on Japan?
- A> My father thoght it would be a good experience to take a vacation to a different country. He is so into learning about different cultures.
- B> That`s pretty cool.
- A> I thought it would have been more fun if I went without my parents.
Myslíte si, že je gramaticky správna? Nemala by znieť takto?:
“I think, it would have been more fun If I had gone without my parents.”…
Alebo autor chcel povedať niečo iné? Alebo je rozdiel v použivaní americkej a britskej angličtiny? Ďakujem za názory…