Help for English



Doufám, že mě s tím nevyhodíte rovnou, ale píšu esej na angličtinu a potřebuju, jestli by si to někdo nepřečetl a neupozornil mě na chyby, pokud tam někdo nějakou najdete budu opravdu rád.

Děkuju předem

nalezené chyby:
1) po ALTHOUGH se nepise carka (…ve-vety.html)

2) misto „all the day“ dat „for the whole day“

3) had started → predminuly cas, protoze je tam pak THEN

4) might have been → could be opened

Henri Charriere – Papillon

Henri Charriere was 25 when he was arrested for the murder of a pimp he didn't commit. Even though there was no evidence of his guilt he was sentenced to penal servitude for life in French Guiana. He won himself a name and made new friends in prison very fast. However, his only thoughts were about revenge and break.

Before he got to French Guiana he was in the transit prison in Caen in France. The prison wasn't an ordinary one, prisoners had to obey the order of compulsory silence all the time, visits and letters were forbidden. Prisoners couldn't lie down for the whole day. They could only walk or sit on a stool.

In convict colony in French Guiana he got to know with freed convict Jesus who promised him to help him to escape for a certain sum of money. Papillon wanted to escape with two other friends, Maturette and Clousiot. To carry out the break Maturette had to offer sex to an Arab, the warder in hospital. During one of the Arab's visits Pappilon and Clausiot stunned him by an iron beg-leg then they climbed the wall of the prison and met with Jesus who provided Papillon and his friends with a boat and supplies as they were agreed on. The boat wasn't suitable for sailing by sea so they had to get a boat from lepers on Pigeon Island who were also convicts.

Descriptions of lepers' appearances were often disgusting, especially when you had started imagining how they had looked like and then you couldn't get rid of that „picture“ in your mind.

After leaving Pigeon Island they successfully reached Trinidad but according to the law they could stay only for a few days. What was surprising for me was that they were welcomed very warmly. The reason was that Trinidad as the member of the Commonwealth of Nations didn't agree with such inhuman punishments.

Papillon and his friends reached the coast of Columbia and right after that they were arrested. Papillon didn't believe he would be released and therefore he made a break with one local prisoner who knew Columbia very well. They got to the border between Columbia and Venezuela where Indians lived. He stayed there with a tribe for seven months. He got for a wife a girl called Lali and later even her sister. Although Henri was quite happy he couldn't stop thinking of revenge and of his family in France so he left the tribe in spite of the fact that both his wives were pregnant.

He was arrested in Columbia again and after two unsuccessful attempts to break he was taken back to the prison in French Guiana and sentenced to two years in solitary confinement (nicknamed the „Devourer of Men“) where in one cell was only one person and nobody was allowed to speak and where the door of the cell could be opened only on a commander's order.

“The Chinese discovered the drop of water that falls on your head. The French discovered silence.”

Je to krásně napsáno – mně se to moc líbí.
Co mě např. napadlo, je slovosled ve větě:
They got to the border between Columbia and Venezuela where lived Indians.
Asi by mělo být gramaticky správně. „… where Indians lived.“,
ale kdoví – v beletristickém textu je možná možné všechno. :?

Jsem rad, ze se ti to libi :-)
Mas pravdu, melo by to byt spise obracene. Dekuju za upozorneni, rovnou to v puvodnim prispevku upravim.

Jeste jsem premyslel.. na jakou uroven anglictiny byste „ocenili“ tuto esej?

Taky se mi líbí, moc. Jen bych řekla, že v pár souvětích ti chybí čárky. Prisoners could not lie down…; To carry out the break..What was surprising for me…Naopak Although, Henri was quite happy – tam by čárku nedala.
Nezdá se mi pár časů, mezi nimi: might be openned only
Ale to by ti jistě řekl nejlíp Marek.
S úrovní bych si tipla na advanced. Myslím, že se se psaním bys u CAE problém neměl.

Opravil jsem jeste par veci. S tim ALTHOUGH jsi mela pravdu. Misto might be openned jsem napsal might have been – coz zni lip, ale nevim, jestli to je dobre, protoze presne to, co chci aby to znamenalo to neznamena..

ještě jsem neměl čas si to projít, ale OPENED se píše s jedním N.

to jsem uz opravil v prvni serii oprav :-)

Ty nepoužíváš spell checker? :shock:

psal jsem to v PSPadu, vyhovuje mi nejvice.. tam se neco podobneho da zabudovat taky, ale tak casto to nepotrebuju..

A co ceskou klavesnici? To taky tak casto nepotrebujes? :-D :-D :-D

Myslím, že ani MIGHT BE OPENED ani MIGHT HAVE BEEN OPENED opravdu nevysihuje to, co by to mělo znamenat, neboť
MIGHT BE OPENED znamená – možná bude otevřeno
MIGHT HAVE BEEN OPENED znamená – možná bylo otevřeno.

Možná nahradit MIGHT za COULD a nebo to vyjádřit nějak jinak – např opisem apod.

2Rudyard: Jak sis jiste vsiml, tak i bez ni se da zit :)

„Henri Charriere was 25 when he was arrested for the murder of a pimp he didn't commit.“-podle me by melo byt …‚hadn‘t commited'.

@Pavel737 – tady lze podle me pouzit i: didn't commit, alespon podle google je to beznejsi

logicky tu vrazdu spachal driv, nez byl zatceny a to je myslim duvod proc predminuly cas :idea: ale zda to je pravda, to nevim


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