Help for English

Motivační dopis Erasmus - kontrola


Ahoj, chtěla bych vás poprosit, jestli byste mi zkontrolovali formální stránku motivačního dopisu, který musím přiložit k přihlášce na Erasmus. Předem moc děkuju :-)

Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to express my interest in the Erasmus+ programme to get a chance to study abroad.
There are several reasons why I have decided to apply for an Erasmus exchange at our partner university abroad. I am currently a student of the Faculty of Business and Management at the Brno University of Technology. So my field of study at a selected foreign university is very close to me. Also attending courses that are not teaching at my university would extend my horizons. I would very appreciate to have the chance to experience different styles of education.
Another reason is that I could move my limits, rely on myself and consolidate my personality.
At last but not least I would be able to speak fluent English, which would be an unbeatable advantage in my future career. I would be able to speak Portuguese, as well. I would meet new friends from all over the world, get to know the local culture and discover the beauty of this country.
To sum it up, the experience I would gain from studying at a foreign university would brings me application in further studies, personal development and future career. I would be grateful if you give me chance to represent our university in foreign country.
More information about me, my qualifications and skills are available on my CV which I am also enclosing as an attachment. I believe that my background and expertise meets the requirements of the tender.
Thank you for your time and considering my request. I look forward to your response.

Yours faithfully,


Hi Verča, your version is very good. Nonetheless I've suggested a few changes below which I think will improve its readability. Good luck with your application!

Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to express my interest in the Erasmus+ programme to get have a chance to study abroad. [“Get” se hodí spíš v hovorové řeči.] There are several reasons why I have decided to apply for an Erasmus exchange at our partner university abroad. I am currently a student of the Faculty of Business and Management at the Brno University of Technology. So my field of study at a selected foreign university is very close to me one with which I am very familiar [ :-? blízký v tomto kontextu neříkáme].. Also attending courses that are not teaching [? taught] at my university would extend my horizons. I would very much appreciate to have having the chance to experience different styles of education. Another reason is that I could move extend my limits boundaries , rely on myself [ :-? develop greater self-reliance] and consolidate many different aspects of my personality. At Last but not least I would be able to speak fluent :-? increase my fluency in English, which would be an unbeatable enormous advantage in my future career. I would be able to speak Portuguese, as well. I would meet new friends from all over the world, get to know the local culture and discover the beauty of this that country. [ “this” by znamenalo Česko. ] To sum it up, the experience I would gain from studying at a foreign university would brings me application be directly applicable in my further studies, personal development and future career. I would also be grateful if you give me for the chance to represent our university in a foreign country. More information about me, my qualifications and skills are available on my CV which I am also enclosing as an attachment. I believe that my background and expertise meets the requirements of the tender. this opportunity. Thank you for your time and considering my request. I look forward to your response.

Yours faithfully,

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 7 lety

Hi Verča, your version is very good. Nonetheless I've suggested a few changes below which I think will improve its readability. Good luck with your application!

Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to express my interest in the Erasmus+ programme to get have a chance to study abroad. [“Get” se hodí spíš v hovorové řeči.] There are several reasons why I have decided to apply for an Erasmus exchange at our partner university abroad. I am currently a student of the Faculty of Business and Management at the Brno University of Technology. So my field of study at a selected foreign university is very close to me one with which I am very familiar [ :-? blízký v tomto kontextu neříkáme].. Also attending courses that are not teaching [? taught] at my university would extend my horizons. I would very much appreciate to have having the chance to experience different styles of education. Another reason is that I could move extend my limits boundaries , rely on myself [ :-? develop greater self-reliance] and consolidate many different aspects of my personality. At Last but not least I would be able to speak fluent :-? increase my fluency in English, which would be an unbeatable enormous advantage in my future career. I would be able to speak Portuguese, as well. I would meet new friends from all over the world, get to know the local culture and discover the beauty of this that country. [ “this” by znamenalo Česko. ] To sum it up, the experience I would gain from studying at a foreign university would brings me application be directly applicable in my further studies, personal development and future career. I would also be grateful if you give me for the chance to represent our university in a foreign country. More information about me, my qualifications and skills are available on my CV which I am also enclosing as an attachment. I believe that my background and expertise meets the requirements of the tender. this opportunity. Thank you for your time and considering my request. I look forward to your response.

Yours faithfully,

Thank you for all your notes! :-)


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