Help for English

Have you ever been to/ in the cinema?


Dá se s předpřítomným časem použít i jiná předložka než TO? (pokud se nejedná o město či zemi) např. Have you ever been in the cinema/ at a concert apod? Thanks a lot.

Yes, you can use other prepositions, but they may convey a different sense according to the context.

Have you ever been to the cinema? (= have you ever been there to see a film?)

Have you ever been to/in a cinema? (= have you ever had the physical experience of being inside a(ny) cinema building? It's dark, the seats are tiered, the sound is usually very loud.)

Similarly: Have you ever been to a concert? (= to hear some music being played)

Have you ever been to/at a concert? (have you ever had the physical experience of being at a concert: there are lots of smartly dressed people there, and you're not supposed to whistle along with the orchestra)

Have you ever been in a concert? (= have you ever taken part in a concert where you yourself sang or played an imstrument)


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