Help for English

to give (a?) thought.....


Dobrý den :)

  • I promised to give a/some thought to the job offer.
  • I promised to give some consideration to the job offer.

Použití neurčitého členu či “some” u thought a pouze “some” u consideration jsem považoval za správné varianty, které opravdu platí. Klíč tyto možnosti vskutku ukazuje, ale také nabízí možnost nepoužít jak neurčitý člen tak ani some. Opravdu to lze vynechat – v této větě nahoře? Jednalo se o “word transformation” cvičení – více kontextu nemám.

Opravdu tedy lze:

  • I promised to give thought to the job offer.
  • I promised to give consideration to the job offer.

Je v tom nějaký rozdíl?


  • promised to give thought to :-( (only 6 hits on Google, some by non-natives)
  • I promised to give consideration to the job offer. :-8

I gave this some thought [= I had a think about this, I thought about this], and concluded that the question is something of a red herring, because there is very little use of these constructions – see the Ngram. Why say give thought/consi­deration to when you can say think about / consider ?


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