Help for English

Shoda přísudku s podmětem - Číslovka + Podstatné jméno


Ahoj! Měl bych dotaz ohledně shody přísudku s podmětem. Vím, že v případech jako jsou minuty, váha, roky, délka atp. se používá jednotné číslo, tedy “ten minutes is // ten kilograms is // ten years is // ten centimetres is…”

Pokud však dám jiné podstatné jméno (cars, houses, tables), tak bude stále jednotné, nebo množné číslo? Tedy “Ten cars is/are enough // Ten houses is/are enough // Ten tables is/are enough.”

Thanks for the answer! :)

It depends whether the items are understood as a complete whole (celek) or as individual items which are counted, so sometimes either “is” or “are” is possible. So, as you correctly note, ten minutes is (long) enough for a shower, ten kilos is too much for an elderly person to carry, ten years is too long to wait …

Ten cars are (some may find “is” acceptable) enough to take all the guests to the wedding, (we can count the 10 cars individually, or we can think of them as “a total of 10 cars”); ten houses are (not “is”) enough to fill all the space on that plot (pozemek); ten tables are enough to seat all the diners.


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