Help for English

Superlativ bez urč. členu - People who tweak it the most carefully can be..


Ahoj je v následující větě člen správně?

. "People who tweak their resumes the most carefully can be especially vulnerable to this kind of error,

Je to věta z článku na LinkedInu, ale prostě mi to tam nějak nesedí.

Je tedy správně například: Only those who would work the hardest …

"People who tweak their résumés the most carefully can be especially vulnerable … " is grammatically acceptable, but a bit clumsy, in my opinion. It sounds illogical: people who take the greatest care tweaking their résumés surely wouldn't be vulnerable to errors anyway?

(He used to employ) " … only those who would work the hardest" is ok.

Thanks. Can “the” be omitted in the first sentence?

Yes, “people who tweak their résumés most carefully” is much better than the original (the most carefully) and sounds more natural in this example.


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