Help for English

It is great to hear from you after a while.


Dobrý den :)

Hello XY

It is great to hear from you after so long/after a while.

  • Nerodilcem mi bylo řečeno, že “after a while” zde není idiomatické. Je tomu opravdu tak? Osobně na tom nevidím nic špatného a proto se raději ptám vás.


Hi Ritter, “to hear from you after a while” only gets 28 (real) hits on Google, several of them not from native speakers, and I personally wouldn't use “after a while” here. Having said that, I don't have a problem with any of the “after a while” sentences quoted here. I can't quite put my finger on why we (generally) don't say “after a while” in your specific context.

  • It's great to hear from you after so long
  • It's great to hear from you after all this while/time
  • It's great to hear from you after such a long while/time

Later edit: I've worked out what the problem is with “after a while”: in your context you're referring to a definite/specific “while” – the while that has elapsed since you heard from the other person. “A” while is indefinite/non-specific.

Děkuji :)


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