Help for English



ale on tu vrazdu nespachal, kdyz to vezmu do dusledku, tak zatceny byl za neco co se nestalo..

Rozumim, co myslis, ale kdyz jsem koukal po netu, tak vsude je didn't commit..

Článek je moc hezky napsaný! Jen je tam 5 větiček, které bych napsal trošku jinak. Netvrdím však, že by to bylo správně.

he was arrested for the murder of a pimp he didn't commit. oprava: he was arrested for the murder of a pimp he hadn't committed.
V tomto případě si však myslím, že obě možnosti jsou správné.

he was sentenced to penal servitude for life in French Guiana.
oprava: he was sentenced to life penal servitude in French Guiana.

Before he got to French Guiana he was in the transit prison in Caen in France.
oprava: Before he got to French Guiana he had been in the transit prison in Caen in France
he was in the transit prison in France before he got to French Guiana

They could only walk or sit on a stool.
oprava: They only could walk or sit on a stool.

Descriptions of lepers' appearances were often disgusting, especially when you had started imaginating how they had looked like and then . . .
oprava: Descriptions of lepers' appearances were often disgusting, especially when you started imagining what they had looked like and then . . .

Takhle bych to napsal já, ale možná se pletu. Uvidíme jestli na to bude nějak reagovat pan Vít. Každopádně článek je moc dobrý a také bych ho hodnotil na advanced

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Ta knizka uz je trochu starsi a opravdu jsem narazil na: penal servitude for life

jinak dekuju za pripominky :)

I would say … „he was falsely arrested for the murder of a pimp“ ..... „Until the transfer to French Guiana he was kept in the transit prison in Cean, France.“ ...... „Descriptions of lepers were often quite disturbing, especially when you started imagining them with missing ears and noses, and then …“.

And I hope that when Marek sees it, I will win. At least I haven't spoken like a four year old as both you, MartyIX and Chevy, have … writing „IMAGINATING“ instead of „IMAGINING“ !!! :-D

2Rudyard: Musim uznat, ze to zni daleko lip, natolik jsem soudny, ze to poznam :) Jedna vec mi ale neda.. me nezajima, jak umis anglicky ty, me jde o mou anglictinu, az tak jsem egocentricky ;)

2MartyIX: Jediné co tam zní daleko lépe (líp) je to moje „imagining“. Tak proč jsi to tvé „imaginating“ jestě v tvém článku neopravil? Čekáš na Markův pokyn? :-D … A když už pak jsi u toho, oprav také to tvé dětské „líp“!!!

uz jsem to opravil.. :) a to tedy ne, do cestiny mi nemas co vrtat ;)


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