Help for English

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opraveno :)

Hi michalek1, here are the changes I suggest. Some of these changes are not “corrections” as such, but they improve the style. Good luck with your application!

I would like to apply for a Student Exchange Program especially in (Portugal). I am absolutely convinced it would be a rewarding experience for my future study at the university, my future career and last but not least that it would also be a even great life experience. [inconsistent syntax: for my study … for my career… for great life experience ???]

With this motivation letter I would like to express my strong interest and motivation in participation at for taking part in this programme. I am a 22 years old 22-year-old student at the pharmaceutical faculty at the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Brno, currently in my 3rd year.

I have done a few internships in the pharmaceutical industry, especially in research and development departments, which I am really interested in. I was working there with another students, so it taught me how to work effectively in a group and it helped me to improve my laboratory technique. But I have experience with quite a different kind of internship as well. I had an internship in a hospital pharmacy, which was absolutely beneficial for me. Working there much greatly improved my communication skills with patients, which is important. Besides communication I have learnt how to prepare any kinds of drugs in any form make up many different kinds and forms of medication. And For me personally the most important thing was to get know develop an understanding of how the pharmaceutical market works.

In the future I would like to focus on the connection between pharmacy and the economy, which is a very specific type of market. That is why I am very curious about how community pharmacy works aboard abroad. My motivation is improving to improve the pharmacoeconomic situation in the Czech Republic and I am convinced that the best way how to do that is getting know to find out how community pharmacy works in another countries. I believe I can take a lot of inspiration from my Exchange Program through this internship, even talking with foreign students from all different countries and discussing how it works in their homeland. I believe that kind of knowledge will be extremely useful for my diploma thesis in this field.

Since the my first year at the university I am the have been a member of our pharmacy students association. Within this association I also helped with some Student Exchange Programme events. even with SEP. For instance, I was doing did a sightseeing tour in my city for some Portuguese pharmacy students.

From Student Exchange Programme I am expecting I believe this Student Exchange Programme will be a rewarding experience for my future study at the university, my diploma thesis and my future career, and that it will help me develop a The next thing is improving more specific grasp of the type of English , which is used in the pharmaceutical field. I am also looking forward to meeting other pharmacy students all around the world and making great relationships in the international pharmacy field.

Thank you very much in advance for considering my application.

Yours sincerely,

DesperateDan thanks a lot! :)


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