Help for English

stay three days/for three days


Zdravím, v jedné knize jsem viděla větu: We will stay there only three days. Nejsem si jistá,jestli je správně. Já bych řekla spíše: We will stay there for only three days. Poradí někdo, která věta je správně,případně pokud lze obě možnosti. Děkuju.

In this particular construction (with “stay” when “for” is a preposition of time) they're both ok.

  • we'll only stay there (for) three days (conversational sty­le)
  • we'll stay there (for) only three days (slightly more formal)
  • we'll stay there only (for) three days (even more formal)
  • how long are you staying (for)?
  • the party was boring so we didn't stay (for) the whole evening.
  • we invited them to lunch but they stayed (for) the whole afternoon.

When “for” isn't a preposition of time, you can't omit it.

  • we didn't like the play so we didn't stay for the second half
  • we didn't like the play so we didn't stay the second half
  • are you staying for lunch?
  • are you staying lunch?

Děkuji za objasnění. A u slovesa TAKE ve smyslu trvat jsou také možné obě možnosti s předložkou FOR?? Např. It took (for) five years? Trvalo to 5 let.

Ne, se slovesem “take” (ve smyslu trvat) se předložka “for” (as a preposition of time) nepoužívá nikdy.

  • It takes for two hours to drive from Brno to Prague (if you're lucky ;-) ).
  • It took for five years to build the new cathedral.


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