Help for English

ICQ/Skype for chat in English


Hi, anyone on chating? I am 33. My skill is intermediate. If you want to improve your English like me, you can find me here:

•ICQ – 713149620

•FB – jarda.klima.75

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Terinka1984 vložený před 14 lety

Hi everyone,
I have suggestion for you. Let´s chat via ICQ or Skype. It will help us in better and faster conversation. My nickname is Terinka1984. :)

I would like to speak with someone via Skype. I am 41 and my English is A2 or B1.

I would like to speak with someone via Skype. I am 41 and my English is A2 or B1.

Ahoj, někdo na pravidelnou konverzaci po skype? Já mírně pokročilý.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od ondrassh vložený před 6 lety

Ahoj, někdo na pravidelnou konverzaci po skype? Já mírně pokročilý.

Ahoj, já bych měla zájem :). Taktéž mírně pokročilá. Tak dej vědět

Hello everyone,

My name is Martin and I was born in Bulgaria. I have been living in Czech Republic for almost 6 years. For this time I learned Czech good enough to find a good job. Before that I was worker at production lane in car seats factory. One think I am sure, I don't want to work in factory again. My new job doesn't need good English skills, but still my progress was so fast, so my boss offer me a new position. Well I am glad about it, but the position is connected with often trips to Asia. For this I need really good English, but my English is not good enough, so I failed at the interview. Now I am determined to learn English and find even better job.

I am looking for someone with good English skills for frequent communications. My biggest problem is talking and grammar. I know a lot of English worlds, usually when I listen English, I do understand almost everything.

It’s hard to me to build a sentence, forget a words, even when I know them…

For me will be perfect to communicate via Skype/whatsap­p/viber.

If someone want, can write me PM with skype/number.

Your faithfully



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