Help for English

Popis souběžných událostí v minulosti


Věta: Zatímco tvoji vrstevníci studovali na vysokých školách a budovali kariéru, ty jsi hrál počítačové hry a oženil ses.

Kontext: Je rok 2019 a mluvčí popisuje události 3 roky nazpět. Mluvčí se snaží vyjádřit nesouhlas s tím, co adresát dělal v minulosti a stále dělá i v současnosti. Adresát je v současnosti stále ženatý a stále hraje počítačové hry.

Překlad – co je správně?

  1. While your peers had been studying and bulding their careers, you had been playing computer games and getting married.
  2. While your peers have been studying and bulding their careers, you have been playing computer games and getting married.
  3. jinak


(1) You choose to view the events as completed or repeated actions in the past:

  • While other people your age [“peers” zní formálně] went to university and started a career / started their careers, you played computer games and got married. [Past perfect tady nesedí.]

(2) You choose to view (some of) the events as continuing into the present:

  • While other people your age have been to university and have been building their careers, you've been playing / you've played computer games and got married. (You've been getting married není možné: oženit se je jednorázový děj – třeba i pokaždé ;-) ).


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