Help for English

mít vztah k..


Dobrý den, potřebuji přeložit větu: “Nemám vztah k psům.” a nejsem si jistá, která z těchto spojení RELATION x RELATIONSHIP mám použít a s jakou předložkou. Můj návrh: “I have no relation to dogs.” or “I don't have any relationship with dogs.”

Děkuji za pomoc!

Dobrý den, “relation” a “relationship” v daném kontextu nesedí.

  • I've no affinity with/for dogs

Marlowe had no affinity with dogs. He was a cat man. I think you have to be one or the other.

Culturally and anthropologically speaking, Romanians in general have an affinity for dogs.

  • I don't relate (very) well to/with dogs,
  • I'm not good / comfortable / at ease with/around dogs.
  • I'm not (really) a doggie/doggy person.

My friend’s dog died recently. I have to declare that I’m not really a doggy person, but Frisco was a chilled and laid-back kind of sausage, and in his quietness, he let me grow quite fond of him. [“sausage” = hafánek, pejsek]

  • I'm not really into dogs. [Psy nemusím]
  • I don't really get on (well) with dogs.
  • I'm not (really) too keen on dogs. [Psy nemusím]
  • I'm not (really) all that keen on dogs. [Psy nemusím]
  • I don't (seem to) understand dogs (very well).

Thanks Dan for explaining and for a lot of examples! =)


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