Help for English

Jim can only pray nothing hits him.


Dobrý den.

Z jednoho videa o horolezci na kterého začalo padat pár kusů ledu.

  • Jim can only pray nothing hits him.

Proč je zde “hits” a nikoliv “will hit” ? Mohlo by zde být “will”? Vím, že jsou slovíčka jako “hope” po který lze použít obojí, ale s tímto jsem se ještě nesetkal.


It's straightfor­ward present tense (+ stated or understood-from-the-context time marker) with a future sense:

  • I'm going to Prague tomorrow.
  • I hope it doesn't rain next Tuesday.

pray that your operation is a success and that you recover fully and quickly.

With these thoughts, I now leave you to make your decision about eternity, and I hope and pray that your decision is a wise one.

Please pray that the ongoing ache in the left side of my stomach and lower abdomen goes away… pray that the surgery is successful …

(The future tense is also okay in these last three quotebox examples, ale proč to dělat složitě, když to jde jednoduše? ;-) … why make it complicated when you can make/keep it simple? Why do it the hard way when you can do it the easy way?)

Děkuji. Jen pro ujištění – i moje věta s Jimem by šla s “will”? Pokud jo, tak se to opravdu chová jako ono “hope”. Což je super.

Ano, “will” je taky v pořádku ve větě s Jimem.

Díky moc za ujištění :)


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