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Jaký je rozdíl mezi low a deep ? Protože ve slovníku mám, že low znamená i hluboký

Kvalitný výkladový slovník uvádza nasledovné významy slova** LOW** :

(Preklad HLBOKÝ by pripadal len na význam 9 – hlboký výstrih na šatách). Inak mi preklad “hlboký” nikde inde nesedí.

(obsahom nízky)/ (obsahom malý)

1 small amount/level/value

  1. small, or smaller than usual, in amount, level, or value OPP high

low income/pay/wages
families existing on very low incomes
In May, the price of cocoa fell to its lowest level since 1975–76.
Morale has been low since the latest round of job cuts.
In this sort of investment, the risks are fairly low.
low temperatures
the need for low-cost housing
a low-security prison

  1. low in something having less than the usual amount of a substance or chemical OPP high

    food that is low in calories

low-fat/low-salt etc
low-alcohol beer

  1. in the low 20s/30s etc if a number, temperature, or level is in the low 20s, 30s etc, it is between 21 and 23,31 and 33 etc

    Tonight, temperatures in most areas will be in the low 50s.

(výškou nízky) / (výškou malý) 2 height

  1. having a top that is not far above the ground OPP high

    a low wall

    a long low building

  2. at a point that is not far above the ground or near the bottom of something OPP high

    low clouds

    The sun was low in the sky now.

    Store raw meat on the lowest shelf.

  3. below the usual height OPP high

    a low bridge

    a low ceiling

    The river is very low today.

(nízky, malý úrovňou)

3 standards/quality bad, or below an acceptable or usual level or quality SYN poor OPP high
Their safety standards seem to be pretty low.
Cost-cutting has led to a lower quality of service.
the children’s low achievement in school

(dochádzajúci, míňajúci sa)

4 supply if you are low on something, or if your supply of something is low, there is not much of it left be/get/run low (on something)
We’re running low on gas.
Stocks are getting low.


5 voice/sound

  1. not loud

    I heard a low moaning noise.

    The volume is too low – turn it up.

    a low whisper

  2. not high

    a low note


6 light a light that is low is not bright SYN dim
Use low lighting to give the room a romantic atmosphere.


7 heat if you cook something over a low heat or in a low oven, you cook it using only a small amount of heat OPP high

(slabý, vybíjajúci sa, dochádzajúci)

8 battery a battery that is low does not have much power left in it

(hlboký, s hlbokým výstrihom)

9 clothes a low dress, blouse etc does not cover your neck and the top of your chest → low-cut


10 unhappy [not before noun] unhappy and without much hope for the future SYN depressed
He was feeling a bit low, so I did my best to cheer him up.
Terry seems to be in rather low spirits today.


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