Help for English

Stumble on THE root of a tree


Prakticky v každé podobné větě je root s určitým členem (první zmínka, pochopitelně), proč? Logicky bych řekl “stumble on a root”…kořenů je tam přece nejspíš víc.

Probably because

  • (i) “root” can mean the whole part or section of the tree (the whole root system), which is normally mostly underground. This painting is called “The root of a tree” even though we can see many roots. What the painter called “the root” is actually the whole root system.
  • (ii) although it may be the “first mention” of any roots, we know that most trees do have a root (or roots), a stem (or stems), and a canopy (the branches which bear the leaves – klenba).

Similarly we store butter, cheese and milk in the fridge (or in a fridge), because we know (or can assume) that households normally do have a fridge.

First mention: stumble on a tree root, stumble on the root of a tree. You can use either.

Díky Dane ;)


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