Help for English

Není něco jako něco


Zdravím, jak byste prosím přeložili spojení není něco jako něco? Například: “Není auto jako auto”. Díky za rady.

Mozna by slo pouzit MEAT vs. POISON.

One man's meat is another man's poison.

  • things liked or enjoyed by one person may be distasteful to another
  • what one person values, another may think worthless
  • people can disagree strongly on what is good or bad, right or wrong

Co třeba: Some cars are better than others.


There's cars and there's cars – I drive a Smart car around the city. Two can sit on a parking bay nose to tail. There are vehicles in existence that can sit three on a bay, but auto manufacturers are reluctant to manufacturer them.

  • Not all cars are the same.
  • No two cars are the same.
  • There's no car like a car :-( (nesrozumitelné)


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