Help for English

it was a pleasure to x ing


Which is correct ? It was a pleasure to teach/teaching you. Thanks.

They're both ok, and there's no difference in meaning, so it's much of a muchness.

  1. The ing form is slightly more conversational than the to + infinitive form.
  2. For a future event, I detect a preference for the to + infinitive form, which sounds more idiomatic to my ear, but the ing form is acceptable too.

This distinction seems to be borne out by the Ngram when I searched with “pleasure to meet” and “pleasure meeting” in past, present and future. As you can see, the Ngram didn't pick up any results for “(will) be a pleasure meeting” although I'm sure you'll find examples on Google, and I wouldn't describe it as “wrong”. It's just a matter of usage, or what sounds idiomatic, and that might be quite a subjective judgement.


  • It's a pleasure to meet/teach you. :-)
  • It's a pleasure meeting/teaching you. :-)


  • It was a pleasure to meet/teach you. :-)
  • It was a pleasure meeting/teaching you. :-)


  • It will be a pleasure to meet/teach you. :-)
  • It will be a pleasure meeting/teaching you. (Přijatelné, ale spíš :-( ).


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