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Souviset - relate to, be linked to


Ahoj všem.
Můžete mi prosím poradit jak správně vyjjádřit, že něco souvisí s něčím dalším.

The locality MST_MSA2042 was checked. There is an repeated error with the disc drive 1.5 (SN ADFSRYX54) but health status of all HDDs is ok. Current SAN's firmware version is GL220P008 (20.5.2016). The error might relate to an old SAN FW. FW upgrade (GL225P002–02 z 31.5.2019) is planned for next maintenance window.

Nelíbí se mi ale moc jak jsem vyjádřil, že tato chyba možná souvisí se starým firmwarem SAN.

Jaké mám možnosti? Napadlo mne něco takového:

  1. The error might relate to an old SAN firmware
  2. The error might be relating to an old SAN FW.
  3. The error might be linked to an old SAN FW.

Pomůžete prosím?

  • 1 The error might relate to an old SAN firmware. OK
  • 2 The error might be relating to an old SAN FW. OK
  • 3 The error might be linked to an old SAN FW. OK

Also possible:

  • 4 The error might have something to do with an old SAN FW
  • 5 The error might be connected with an old SAN FW.
  • 6 The error might be associated with an old SAN FW.
  • 7 The error might be attributable to an old SAN FW.

2. (“might be relating to …”). The use of the present continuous “be relating” highlights the fact that you are actually working on the problem right now, the issue is very much “in the here and now”. You were looking at it before you wrote the message, and you'll continue looking at it.

Strictly speaking, “firmware”, “software”, “hardware”, “shareware” and other types of “ware” are uncountable, so you'd have to say “relating to some old SAN firmware”. However, in in-house technical IT jargon it's not unusual for it to be used countably (“a firmware”). Under normal (non-jargon) circumstances, I would recommend using it uncountably, e.g. “they installed (some) new software …” (not “they installed a new software …”).

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 5 lety
  • 1 The error might relate to an old SAN firmware. OK
  • 2 The error might be relating to an old SAN FW. OK
  • 3 The error might be linked to an old SAN FW. OK

Also possible:

  • 4 The error might have something to do with an old SAN FW
  • 5 The error might be connected with an old SAN FW.
  • 6 The error might be associated with an old SAN FW.
  • 7 The error might be attributable to an old SAN FW.

2. (“might be relating to …”). The use of the present continuous “be relating” highlights the fact that you are actually working on the problem right now, the issue is very much “in the here and now”. You were looking at it before you wrote the message, and you'll continue looking at it.

Strictly speaking, “firmware”, “software”, “hardware”, “shareware” and other types of “ware” are uncountable, so you'd have to say “relating to some old SAN firmware”. However, in in-house technical IT jargon it's not unusual for it to be used countably (“a firmware”). Under normal (non-jargon) circumstances, I would recommend using it uncountably, e.g. “they installed (some) new software …” (not “they installed a new software …”).

Tomu říkám perfektní vysvětlení. Z Tvých odpovědí Dane se toho člověk vždycky tolik naučí a o krůček se posune zase k lepší angličtině. Díky za Tvůj čas a ochotu pomoci. Vážím si toho.


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