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The desire to fly is an ancient one , as the myth of Icarus testifies . This fascination was revived during the renaissance with designs for flying machines , but it would be another 400 years before engineers made heavier-than-air flight a reality.

Je to s would jediná správná možnost ? Děkuji

Další správné možnosti: it was to be another 400 …, it was going to be another 400 … Jde bud' o (pomyslnou) nepřímou řeč nebo o future in the past: what will happen in the future as seen from a point in the past.

Co asi mohl renesanční jasnovidec tehdy předvídat?

Přímá řeč – the renaissance clairvoyant said:

  • “It will be (budeme čekat …) another 400 …”; … “It is going to be (budeme čekat …) another 400 …”; … “it is to be (máme čekat …) another 400 years before engineers make …”

Nepřímá řeč – the renaissance clairvoyant …

  • … forecast/fore­saw/predicted/i­magined/guessed [that] [“it will be” ->] it would be another 400 years before engineers made …
  • … forecast/fore­saw/predicted/i­magined/guessed [that] [“it is going to be” ->] it was going to be another 400 years before engineers made …
  • … forecast/fore­saw/predicted/i­magined/guessed [that] [“it is to be” ->] it was to be another 400 years before engineers made …

Viz taky Význam would v příkladu.


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