Help for English

Nemoc měla hladký průběh


Dnes (a mnohokrát předtím) jsem se při konverzaci zasekl, když jsem chtěl vyjádřit slovo “průběh”.
Jedna paní mi říkala, že její známá má nyní koronavirus. A já se chtěl zeptat: “a jakej to má u ní průběh?” A v tu chvíli jsem se zasekl a nic. Tři lidi na mě v místnosti koukaj a já nic. Až pak jsem řekl: “does she have any serious symptoms?”.
Ale tuším, že by mohla být nějaká ladnější cesta než to říct takto opisem.
Budu rád, za jakékoli nápady.

Your version does she have any serious symptoms? is ok in the context. In a social setting we would tend to phrase our comment in a way which suggests concern for the patient, so:

  • I hope it's not affecting her too badly
  • I hope the effects/symptoms aren't too serious
  • I hope she's bearing up (… že to zvládá.)
  • I hope she's managing to cope (with the effects/symptoms).
  • I hope she's pulling through

Nemoc měla hladký průběh: the illness wasn't (too) serious, the illness soon passed off, he/she soon got over the illness, the illness didn't affect him/her too badly, atd.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 4 lety

Your version does she have any serious symptoms? is ok in the context. In a social setting we would tend to phrase our comment in a way which suggests concern for the patient, so:

  • I hope it's not affecting her too badly
  • I hope the effects/symptoms aren't too serious
  • I hope she's bearing up (… že to zvládá.)
  • I hope she's managing to cope (with the effects/symptoms).
  • I hope she's pulling through

Nemoc měla hladký průběh: the illness wasn't (too) serious, the illness soon passed off, he/she soon got over the illness, the illness didn't affect him/her too badly, atd.

Išlo by aj toto ?

What the disease corse was ? (Aký bol priebeh choroby ?). Was the disease course smooth ? (Bol priebeh choroby hladký ?)


In a social context, we wouldn't use “course” (or “progress”) here – it's not idiomatic , it sounds clinical/ impersonal/un­sympathetic. In a medical/clinical context where, for example, a doctor is describing (in his/her medical notes) how the illness developed, and doesn't need to show concern or empathy for the patient, it's ok to use terms like the course/progress of the illness/disease.

(The word “smooth” is to be avoided in collocation with “disease” or “illness”, as it suggests “jak si ta nemoc přála”: the patient was admitted to hospital but the course/progress of the illness was smooth and the funeral took place three weeks later. (Průběh nemoci byl hladký, nemoc dosáhla svého…)

DesperateDan: Thank you very much for the input.


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