Help for English

Co znamená follow up, outreach ve větě


it is worth making sure that you follow up on all outreach if you don’t get a reply first time.

Tahle věta mi tak nějak nedava smysl. Děkuji moc za hrubý překlad

Unfortunately you haven't given any context. I would expect “outreach” here to mean any form of contact initiated by you (obrátit se, navazovat vazbu) – letter, e-mail, text message, phone call, survey, questionnaire, offer (akce) to (usually) targeted individuals or groups in order to promote products, goods or services that you offer.

You then monitor the response (sledujete návratnost) and, if you haven't received a reply to your first contact, then you follow it up or follow up on it (rozesíláte připomínku, urgujete) by sending them a reminder.

Děkuji moc za hrubý překlad.

Your Czech is better than mine. ;-)

Great, thanks for explanation. I think it is enough for me. Thanks one more time.


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