Help for English

photograph caption - present simple or continuous?


Po obdržení nabídky aplikace na pokročilejší gramatiku jsem ji nainstaloval a zkusil jí. Celkem dobře zpracované prostředí, zajímavá slovní zásoba se v ní vyskytuje také… trochu mne ale překvapila jedna oprava, která se vyskytla při této otázce:

photograph caption “Mrs Bradshaw (wear) ................. a black, one shoulder gown with pleated detailing through the bodice and skirt.”

moc jsem se nad tím nezamýšlel a dal jsem is wearing

ejhle, appka opravila na wears, podle mne tato oprava nebyla úplně spravedlivá, jelikož otázka je bez jakéhokoliv kontextu a vlastně mi tedy říká, is wearing je špatně, nelze použít oba časy

vzhledem k mým možnostem jsem tuto otázku rozhodil mezi rodilce – lektory angličtiny kolem mne:

Daniela: photo captions typically use the present simple while a photo description would be in the present continuous

John: both are possible

Emily: My family and I love art so I have been to god knows how many museums, galleries and exhibitions, I would always use present continuous for description of photos, paintings, statues, other art

Colton: wears

Justin: I would use either present simple or continuous (první reakce), Actually I probably wouldn't say IS wearing. Just wearing or wears. (po rozmyšlení). Svá tvrzení doložil několika captions z knihy jako např. Kronus receives the Omphalos stone from Rhea. Kronos devouring one of his sons. Two giants battling the gods during the Gigantomachy. Zeus aims a thunderbolt at the winged and snake-legged monster, Typhon.

Sean: continuous, with captions we always use present continuous I think! Present simple sound more sophisticated – more academic

Je tedy present continuous opravdu špatně, jak aplikace indikuje?

You can use present simple or present continuous, depending on the purpose for which you're writing the caption.

  • In journalism, present simple is preferred: DD and Krtek walk up Chopok.
  • In a non-formal context where you're describing to a friend what's happening in the picture, then present continuous sounds more natural: This is DD and Krtek, they're walking up Chopok.
  • Often, in either context, a participle is enough: DD and Krtek walking up Chopok.
Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 4 lety

You can use present simple or present continuous, depending on the purpose for which you're writing the caption.

  • In journalism, present simple is preferred: DD and Krtek walk up Chopok.
  • In a non-formal context where you're describing to a friend what's happening in the picture, then present continuous sounds more natural: This is DD and Krtek, they're walking up Chopok.
  • Often, in either context, a participle is enough: DD and Krtek walking up Chopok.

Brilliant, thank you for your input, it has been very helpful.


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