Help for English

Nemá ti co poroučet


He has no right to command you/ give orders to you.

Šlo by to takto, nebo je ještě nějaká jiná, (lepší) možnost překladu?


Ještě je třeba “order/boss you around”.

The (imperfective) sense of poroučet (as opposed to the perfective poručit) can also be brought out with the be VERB-ing construction, and there are various ways of saying this idiomatically depending on the context.

  • He has no right to give you orders.
  • He has no right to be giving you orders.
  • He has no right to boss/order you around/about. (as DM said).
  • He has no right to be ordering / be bossing you about/around.
  • He has no business telling you what to do.
  • It's not up to him to .....
  • It's not his prerogative to … (more formal)

5 nejotravnějších dětských vět (…) Nemáš mi co poroučet You can't tell me what to do!, Stop telling me what to do!, Don't keep telling me what to do!, Stop bossing me about/around!

The version with “command” would be understood, but sounds too formal in a conversational context.

Thank you very much for the thorough examples and clarification.


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